What Does Ideal Logic F2 Fault Mean on a Boiler?
Ideal Heating has simplified the meaning of the code to ‘Flame Loss’.
The F2 Ideal boiler fault code flashing indicates that the boiler cannot operate safely and can indicate a number of boiler problems. These include:
- Malfunctioning gas valve
- Faulty fan
- Flue obstruction
- Mains gas supply problem
These problems are not easy to fix yourself. If you see the Ideal boiler F2 fault code, you will need to have a Gas Safe boiler engineer inspect your appliance and make repairs.

Understanding the F2 Fault Code
The F2 fault code is a common issue that can occur in Ideal boilers, indicating a problem with the flame during regular operation.
This code is not rare and can be caused by various reasons such as a dirty flame sensor, worn-out ignition electrode, or a blocked burner.
It’s essential to understand the meaning of the F2 fault code to take the necessary steps to resolve the issue.
When the F2 fault code appears on your boiler’s control panel, it signifies that the flame has been lost or is not present.
This can be due to a variety of factors, including a faulty flame sensor, malfunctioning ignition electrode, or issues with the gas supply.
Addressing the problem promptly is crucial to ensure your boiler operates safely and efficiently.
What causes Ideal F2 error boiler flame loss & how to fix
This indicates that an Ideal Logic boiler was capable of igniting the flame necessary to heat water but it went out due to some other reason. This is different from an L2 fault. It means that the boiler was unable to ignite the flame.
Debris accumulation in the burner and heat exchanger can disrupt gas flow and heat transfer, leading to unstable flames and reduced efficiency.
Professional cleaning and inspection by a Gas Safe registered engineer are recommended to resolve these problems.
A printed circuit board (PCB), which acts as the control center for your boiler, is located inside it. Before the next stage can begin, each stage must be confirmed by a printed circuit board (PCB).
It will display a fault code if it is unable to confirm a stage (e.g., the flame being lit) and stop the boiler from working.
This is known as “locking out” and it ensures that your boiler does not continue heating without all components in working order.
Otherwise, this could cause damage to the boiler and even lead to explosions.
Time for a new Ideal boiler? See the latest Ideal boiler prices in our guide here

Ideal Logic F2 Fault Code Causes
There are many reasons for the Ideal F2 fault code on your Logic boiler. Most of these require an in-depth inspection of your boiler, and possibly your central heating system.
If you are wondering what F2 means on a boiler, then a Gas Safe engineer can help. Also, don’t attempt to take apart your boiler yourself.
Issues with the burner and heat exchanger, such as blockages and debris accumulation, can also lead to the F2 fault code.
We’ll now discuss the most common causes of the Ideal Logic F2 fault code.
Gas Valve
We’ll start by discussing the gas valve as this is the most common reason why the F2 fault code shows up on Ideal Boilers such as the Logic or Logic Plus.
First, your boiler engineer will want to make sure that the gas valve doesn’t get stuck. It won’t allow the gas valve to rotate if it isn’t.
This will prevent the burner and pilot jet from receiving the fuel they require. Your boiler will display the F2 fault code once the flame has gone out.
Sometimes an engineer can fix a stuck valve. However, an engineer may not be able to fix a stuck gas valve. An Ideal boiler replacement will likely cost about £300.
Other faults that may affect gas valves are loose or damaged wiring.
To learn more, you can contact a technician to repair your gas valve.
Faulty Fan
A boiler fan creates a draught or flow of air. The draught forces harmful waste gases out of the flue pipe to ensure they don’t build upon your property.
A faulty fan can result in a dangerous boiler that cannot vent its toxic fumes. This is a serious fault, and the boiler will not even start if it stops running.
If the fan stops functioning while the boiler’s on, the flame will go out and the F2 fault code will appear on the boiler.
You can call an engineer to inspect your fan if you suspect this is the problem. You can also read our complete guide to boiler fan problems.

Flue gases
A boiler that doesn’t have a solid airway to allow flue gases to escape will display the F2 fault code as this will cause the flame loss issue due to lack of oxygen.
The build-up of flue gases is one of the possible causes. This is most common if the flue is vertical (through the roof) without a guard. This leaves the possibility of debris (leaves, etc.). can build up in the flue and cause a blockage.
To determine if this is true, you can hire a Gas Safe engineer. To determine the exact cause of the problem, they will run the fan, gas valve, and flue.
Gas Pressure
Gas pressure affects the strength of your boiler’s flame. The gas pressure should not be too low. If it is, the flame will die and your Ideal boiler will show “F2”.
To determine the cause of the problem, a qualified Gas engineer can test the gas meter’s pressure (from mains gas), and out of the meters.
Gas supply
You might have a mains gas problem (your gas supply). In this case, your other gas appliances may also stop working and you will need to contact your gas company.
The problem could arise during winter months, when the regulator on your meter may have frozen. This will restrict gas flow and the Printed Circuit Board will issue a command to the boiler for safety lockout mode.

How can you repair a flame loss in a boiler?
Boiler flame loss can occur due to a problem with the gas supply or another issue that prevents the boiler from operating safely. You must first determine the cause of the flame loss and repair it before you can reset the boiler.
Gas Safe heating engineers are the best people to consult about boiler problems that cause loss of flame.
How can you fix the ignition lockout of an Ideal boiler?
Low gas pressure, carbon buildup on the burner and heat exchanger, and other causes can all cause ignition lockouts. The exact cause of ignition lockouts will depend on what is causing them.
A Gas Safe boiler engineer should investigate the problem. Most cases require only simple repairs or replacement parts to get the boiler back to igniting.
How can I reset my Ideal boiler
You will need to reset the boiler to fix any fault codes or get it back to work.
To reset the mode control knob, turn it and then allow it to return to its original settings.
Ensure that any issues with the burner and heat exchanger, such as blockages or debris accumulation, are resolved before attempting to reset the boiler.
The boiler will start the ignition sequence after you have turned the mode control knob.
If the boiler does not light after you’ve completed all of the steps and the F2 error code keeps flashing up, call a gas engineer immediately.
When to Call a Heating Engineer
If you’re experiencing an F2 fault code on your Ideal boiler, it’s essential to call a heating engineer to diagnose and fix the problem.
A Gas Safe registered engineer is the best person to contact, as they have the necessary training and experience to work with gas appliances.
You should call a heating engineer if:
- You’re not sure what’s causing the F2 fault code
- You’ve tried resetting the boiler, but the issue persists
- You’ve noticed a problem with the gas supply or gas pressure
- You’ve detected a leak in the gas line or a blockage in the flue pipe
- You’ve noticed a problem with the burner or heat exchanger
A heating engineer will be able to diagnose the issue and provide a solution to get your boiler up and running safely and efficiently.
Do I need a new boiler?
If you repeatedly get this Ideal fault code or the common L1 fault codes or L2 fault codes then it may be time to consider if your boiler issues are starting to cost you more than the price of a new boiler.
Persistent issues with the burner and heat exchanger, such as frequent blockages or debris accumulation, may also indicate that it’s time to consider a new boiler.
If these issues are stopping your central heating, hot water or boiler working properly when the cold weather arrives then it may be better for your peace of mind also.

The F2 fault code is a common issue that can occur in Ideal boilers, indicating a problem with the flame during regular operation.
It’s essential to understand the meaning of the F2 fault code and take the necessary steps to resolve the issue.
If you’re experiencing an F2 fault code, it’s crucial to call a Gas Safe registered heating engineer to diagnose and fix the problem.
Getting an annual boiler service by a qualified Gas Safe engineer can help prevent the F2 fault code from occurring. It’s also essential to properly size and choose the right type of boiler for your needs.
By taking these steps, you can ensure your boiler operates safely and efficiently, providing you with a comfortable and warm home.
Remember, if you’re unsure about what’s causing the F2 fault code or how to fix it, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and call a heating engineer.
They will be able to provide a solution to get your boiler up and running safely and efficiently.